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Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Scripps Institution of Oceanography is one of the oldest, largest, and most important centers for marine science research, graduate training, and public service in the world.

Oceanography Resources
A resource for biological, chemical, and physical oceanography.

Ocean Sciences - Teaching Resource
K-12 resources for marine education.

Sea And Sky
Explore the splendors of the sea and the wonders of the universe through sights, sounds, information, and interactive games.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
This world-renowned institution blends the diverse expertise of professionals in many disciplines to advance knowledge of our ocean planet and our marine environment.

Undersea Photos
Great Barrier Reef underwater picture library specializing in Australia's Marine Life: stock images, screen savers, calendars, educational material.

Deep Sea Robots
Primer on remotely operated vehicles (ROVs): what they are, what they're used for, and how they can go so deep. Includes a photo gallery.

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