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Famous Figures in Literature

Complete searchable text of the 1914 Oxford edition of the Complete Works of William Shakespeare containing 37 plays, 154 sonnets, and miscellaneous verse.

Edgar Allen Poe
Dedicated to the life and work of Edgar Allan Poe literature including over 120 of his short-stories and poems online as well as collections of his articles and criticism.

Shakespeare Resources
An annotated guide to Shakespeare resources on the Internet, including his life and works, Shakespeare’s theatre, literary criticism, and more.

Mark Twain in His Times
Presenting a growing number of searchable primary texts, contemporary reviews, articles, hundreds of images, and more.

George Orwell
Re-introducing Orwell to a wider readership in context of political discussions. Resource for political philosophers.

Dylan Thomas
Find selected works by Dylan Thomas online and related information.

Thomas Wolfe
Dedicated to one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century. Includes memorial tour, photo gallery, bibliography, and much more.

William Shakespeare
A very brief biography of William Shakespeare. Find the commonly known Droeshout engraving.

William Blake Archive
Reuniting Blake's words with his illustrations. Find images, texts, bibliographic information.

Nathaniel Hawthorne
Dedicated to enhancing our understanding and appreciation of Hawthorne's writings and life. Includes the texts of Scarlet Letter, House of Seven Gables, Franklin Pierce, tales, and more.

Edna St.Vincent Millay
Dedicated to poet, dramatist, fiction writer (1892-1950). Find her biography, selected poetry and portraits.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Find qoutes, bibliography, and related resources.

Wm. Faulkner
The definitive Internet guide to Nobel Prize-winning novelist William Faulkner.

William Blake
Dedicated to Willam Blake: a man, artisian, writer, and thinker.

Robert Burns
Dedicated to Scottish National Poet, find background and life with many examples of his works, some with Real Audio.

Charles Dickens
Dedicated to Charles Dickens. Find an extensive resources about his life, family, and works.

The Marquis de Sade
The definitive Marquis de Sade website. Find information about his life and times, prison letters, bibliography, and more.

Charles Dickens
In 1860 Charles Dickens gathered and burned his letters and notes. Why? Visit us to learn about his life, works and friends.

The Samuel Johnson Sound Bite Page
Over 1,000 quotes from Samuel Johnson, one of the most quoted men of the 18th century.

Robert Graves Society
Presenting materials about the poet, novelist, classicist, mythographer and lecturer from world-wide sources.

George Bernard Shaw
Presenting the plays of George Bernard Shaw and his contemporaries, find also biograpy, plays, quotes, related links.

James Joyce
A collection of publications, websites, and other resources dedicated to James Joyce and his works.

The Marquis de Sade
The definitive Marquis de Sade website. Find information about his life and times, prison letters, bibliography, and more.

The Guide for the Literary Traveler
Explore the world of Literature, lifes of the famous writers, their places.

Author Webliography
An index of individual author guides or other cumulative documents that deal with specific writers.

Henric Ibsen
Dedicated to Henrik Ibsen, one of the greatest playwrights in history, who was born and brought up in Skien. Available also in Norwegian.

Find a complete collection of his works, discover other Romantic poets, or browse through the random quotation selector and FAQs.

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