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Museums & Galleries

Art of The First Cities
This Web feature is designed to complement "Art of the First Cities," on view at the Metropolitan Museum through August 17, 2003. The landmark exhibition surveys the flourishing of the world’s earliest civilizations in Mesopotamia and surrounding regions—stretching from the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean across Iran and Central Asia to the Indus Valley—during one of the most seminal and creative periods in history.

Three Centuries of Italian Art
An overview of 300 years of Italian art from 1500 to 1800 including masterworks from the Renaissance, Mannerist, Baroque and Rococo eras. More than 300 works.

The Tate Galleries
The Tate galleries house the national collection of British art from the sixteenth century to the present day, including the Turner Bequest, and the national collection of international modern art.

The George Ortiz Collection
Assiduously pursued works of art from Greece, as well as from some of its forerunners, Mesopotamia and Egypt, and its peripheral cultures spanning a period of time from the Neolithic to the Byzantine Empire; also sculptures from Africa, Pre-Columbian America and the Pacific.

Cincinnati Art Museum
Take yourself on a tour of the Museum, choosing topics: American Artists, Ancient Art, Masterpieces of the CAM.

Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
One of the largest art museums in the United States the America, Oceanic, American paintings, and decorative arts.

Metropolitan Museum of Art
Features information on upcoming museum events, fine art exhibits, special exhibitions, the Met collection and art galleries online.

Museum of Modern Art - NYC
A constantly evolving site, features information on exhibitions, online art projects, images from its collection, MoMA online store, free E-Cards and E-News.

The National Gallery - London
Houses the national collection of Western European paintings from about 1260 to 1900.

National Gallery of Art
The National Gallery of Art, Washington houses one of the finest collections in the world illustrating major achievements in painting, sculpture, and graphic arts from the Middle Ages to the present.

Salvador Dali Museum, St. Pete, FL
Presents comprehensive collection of works by Salvador Dali, his biography, and related links,

The Louvre Museum
Established in 1793 by French revolutionaries, the Louve is one of the oldest and grandest museums in the world.

The Hermitage
Put together throughout two centuries and a half, the Hermitage collections of works of art (over 3,000,000 items) present the development of the world culture and art from the Stone Age to the 20th century.

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