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20th Century Art

Matisse & Picasso
The two artists are seen together in over thirty groupings of works revealing the affinities, but also sometimes the extreme contrasts, between them.

The Art of World War I
Under the patronage of UNESCO, the great museums of Europe are holding a joint exhibition of their resources by painters who were contemporary with the First World War.

Registry of art looted by Nazis
The Lost Art Internet Database registers cultural goods which were transported or stolen because of persecution, especially of Jewish citizens, as a result of World War II or as a result of National Socialism.

Museum of Modern Art - NYC
A constantly evolving site, features information on exhibitions, online art projects, images from its collection, MoMA online store, free E-Cards and E-News.

English Watercolours
Prize winning artist, Liz Bufferfield, presents her detailed watercolour paintings.

Maxfield Parrish
Dedicated to one of the greatest painters of the 20th century.

Online Picasso Project
Dedicated entirely to the life and works of Pablo Ruiz Picasso, including an extensive selection of his works, biographical and bibliographical references, and news.

Art Gallery and Web Design forArtists
Find free web graphics, personalized graphics, online art, and a web design service.

Salvador Dali Museum, St. Pete, FL
Presents comprehensive collection of works by Salvador Dali, his biography, and related links,

Wagner Bazarin Art Gallery
Features works of important contemporary artists. This site is also especially valuable as both an arts search engine as well as an archive of online arts resources.

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